
Frequently Asked Questions

Some common queries.

If there is anything you still aren’t sure about, please checkout our Glenmore Lodge guides for first time visitors. We have one for those who have booked accommodation and those who are non-residential.

If your questions still haven’t been answered please give us a call.

What's included in the price?

All of our courses include full board accommodation, instruction, travel whilst on the course and any equipment you may need to borrow. Your room will be available from 15:00 the day before your course starts. The first meal that is included is breakfast the following morning. We offer many of our courses with a non-residential option, with lunch provided whilst on the course. You are also welcome to use any of our facilities free of charge. If you wish to use our climbing wall you’ll need to bring your own equipment (unless you are on a climbing course).

What's excluded?

Travel to and from Glenmore Lodge, registration fees for any national governing body qualifications and the evening meal on your night of arrival (bar meals are available).

What type of accommodation will I be staying in?

All of our accommodation is on a twin basis, usually sharing with another customer from your course. The majority of our rooms are en-suite.

Can I book single accommodation?

If you would prefer single accommodation we can explore the options for you at check in but cannot make any guarantees. Please note an additional charge will apply. We cannot guarantee any single accommodation.

Can I book extra nights before or after my course?

Why not extend your stay? Subject to availability, we may be able to offer accommodation so you can stay on after your course, or why not stay with us next time you visit the Cairngorms?

Can I use equipment from your stores and do I have to reserve it?

We have a full range of all the technical equipment you are likely to need in our stores. The cost of this is included in the price of your course and no reservation is required. A detailed kit list is included with your course notes; please make sure you check this before you pack! You are of course welcome to use your own equipment but we would advise that you do not rush out to buy equipment for your course. You can try a variety of kit with us and seek your instructor’s advice, helping you to make an informed choice for the future. We are unable to supply equipment to B&B guests.

How fit do I need to be?

All of our courses assume you have a certain level of fitness; with 231 different courses the key thing is choosing the course that is right for your level. Our ‘choosing your course’ matrices, combined with our full course notes and pre-requisites, will help you to understand the level of fitness and technical ability needed for each course. However, if you still aren’t sure please call us to check.

Is there a bar onsite?

The Lochain bar on site at Glenmore Lodge is open to everyone. We have a wide range of drinks including local ales and whisky. Bar meals are served from 5pm to 7pm on Mondays & Tuesdays and until 9pm every other day. We have a full kids menu and families are welcome.

What is the Wi-Fi and mobile coverage like?

When Murray Scott chose the location for the current building, he deliberately selected a location that was remote and isolated to reflect the nature of our business. Little did he know that 53 years later mobile phone companies and high speed broadband providers would still agree with his principles. Although there is some mobile coverage, you may have to walk 50m or so from the main building. We have also worked hard to get the best possible wi-fi, but it still may not meet the speeds you are used to. We believe it is worth it for the remoteness and the view, we hope you agree.

Do you have televisions in the rooms?

Please note that none of our rooms are equipped with televisions. This is a decision we have made to enable guests to interact with each other more, to enjoy our facilities and our environment and to reflect the nature and goals of Glenmore Lodge.

Are there under 18s courses?

For anyone aged 14 to 17 we have a range of specific courses available, please see our under 18 courses page. Although our courses are aimed at adults, we will consider allowing 16 & 17 year olds on some courses. Please call us to discuss the options.

Can I buy a gift voucher?

Looking to buy a present, or give someone the money towards a course? We can create a voucher for any value you wish. Just give us a call and a voucher can be posted out to you (please leave at least 5 working days for voucher delivery).

Do I need insurance?

We highly recommend that all of our customers take out insurance to cover their stay, specifically covering cancellation and curtailment of your course as well as accident and personal injury. We will not be able to refund your course fee should you cancel within 6 weeks.

Do you have a lost property?

All items of Lost Property are kept for one month and then passed to charity. If a personal electronic devices then they will be passed to the police.

We are able to sent items by Royal Mail and Courier at the following rates within the UK: Royal Mail Under 1kg £5.00, Royal Mail Over 1kg £5.00 plus cost of postage, Courier £5.00 plus personal quote.