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Who or what was your biggest inspiration?

I’ve had many many inspirational characters motivating me throughout my paddlesports and adventure sports life. Starting with my Canadian Uncle ‘Diesel’ Dave Coles, who at the tender age of 8 introduced me to kayaking and kayaking on the sea. His larger than life, effervescent character, athleticism and big ginger beard really were defining characters. He competed on the world stage in C1, which gave me something to aspire to. I’ve also been inspired by some colleagues throughout my professional life and Bob Smith (Principle of National Centre, Cumbrae) rates highly amongst them. Not wanting to waste time in endless meetings he’d happily pull up his sleeves and help on the water, whilst recounting stories of his countless past explorations in kayak and climbing. Life long memories of traveling the world with a kayak is a real inspiration me.


How did you become an Instructor?

That’s a funny question. I grew up on a farm and one summer I was helping my dad with the hay.

I was delivering a trailer full to a neighbour. We got talking and it transpires that she and her husband worked at National Centre Cumbrae. I told her about my passion for paddling and she quickly picked up the telephone and called her husband. After a quick conversation I was offered the opportunity to assist with a water session. I was delivering hay for my Dad at 11 am and at 1 pm I was sitting in a kayak in Millport bay, much to my Dads frustrations about having to find someone else to help on the farm. That kick started my Instructional career and my time at Cumbrae, which I left 10 years later!


Tell us about a favourite route / river or destination?

I’ve been fortunate enough to have some great expeditions in kayak, sailboat and ocean rowing boat. Mid Atlantic is a very special place to be, as are the mountains and valleys of the Himalayas for very different reasons. But I keep coming back to the west coast of Scotland. The islands and sea ways of the west coast are second to none in the world for exploring by kayak or sailboat. I still find new places amongst the islands to explore, after 25 years. My perfect trip would be a multi-day journey amongst these island, mid-summer, with mates or now with my growing family. By day, living to the time-table of tides and by night sitting in a tent or at anchor, watching a west coast sunset.