
Sources of Funding

At Glenmore Lodge, Scotland’s National Outdoor Centre our aim is to encourage more people to enjoy outdoor and adventurous activity more often as safely as possible.

The most effective way for us to achieve this is through delivering world class instruction, specifically qualifications to the next generation of outdoor instructors.

We are aware that the cost associated with qualifying as an outdoor instructor can be high, especially for those working as volunteers, however help is at hand!

Below is a list of possible sources of funding to help you cover the cost of your qualifications. All these schemes are managed by external organisations and therefore have their own terms and conditions. Hopefully these can help to support the cost of your qualification. It is even possible to combine some of these funds meaning your training could actually be FREE!

If you are unsure of which qualification is right for you, the best place to start is the National Governing Body delivering that award, however, as your National Outdoor Centre we are here to help and if you need any further information please feel free to contact us.

National Schemes

SCA – UKCC Coaching Scholarships

What is it: A scheme administered by the Scottish Canoe Association (SCA) made possible with investment from sportscotland recognising the importance of new coaches coming into sport and the need for accessible, affordable coaching courses.

Who is eligible: Candidates must be SCA members and must be able to evidence current or planned deployment as a Paddle sport coach.

Which qualifications does it cover: The funding is only available for British Canoeing (UKCC) courses.  Below is the detail of which courses are covered and the level of funding available for each.

  • Level 1 – 40% up to £100
  • Level 2 – 70% up to £400 (inc, L2 Training or Transfer, CPD module, L2 Assessment)
  • Level 3 – up to 75%. (inc, Core, Intermediate modules and Discipline Specific Training or Assessment)

How do I apply: You’ll need to complete an online application to sportscotland. Sportscotland will then confirm in writing.  You will need to pay for your course in full, then submit your claim (including receipts) to SCA.  You must complete your application 4 weeks PRIOR to the start of your course.
How do I get more information: The SCA has details of this and other possible funding sources on its website,

SCA – Other Funding Support

A range of funding opportunities are available via the Scottish Canoe Association and may vary from time to time. Visit their website for more information

Skills Development Scotland – Flexible Training Opportunities

What is it: Flexible Training Opportunities gives Scottish businesses with up to 100 employees the opportunity to apply for up to £5,000 towards employee training costs. This award is only applicable for businesses (including freelances, or sole traders) and cannot be applied for by individuals working for a larger organisation.

Who is eligible: There are detailed terms and conditions but the core criteria are; employees resident in Scotland, working for a business based in Scotland that is NOT run or funded by the public sector and has less than 100 employees. Full terms and conditions are available here.

Which qualifications does it cover: The programme will provide funding for the uptake of skills that will contribute to business productivity and success. The link between this learning and business priorities must be demonstrated within the application by reference to the desired outcomes. The types of training that is eligible for support include:

  • Master Classes
  • Learning based on National Occupational Standards
  • Industry recognised qualifications
  • Management and supervisory training
  • Workshops
  • Taster sessions

How do I apply: Download the Flexible Training Opportunities Application Form. Included in this document are help notes for completing the form and a rules and guidance section. Once you’ve completed the application form please save your changes and send it to the following email address: [email protected].  If you need assistance please call them on 0800 783 6000.

How do I get more information: Skills Development Scotland has a dedicated page on its website.

Non-Scottish Funding

The funding sources above are only for those resident in Scotland.  Unfortunately, funds available for those living in other parts of the UK are more restricted. Get in touch with your home nations provider for details of any funding that may be available to you.