
Autumn White Water Kayaking

Progress your river running skills and your confidence on the water this Autumn. Invest a bit of time to enhance your paddling skills and safety knowledge and develop more of a supportive role in your club or group of friends.



Develop and consolidate skills to kayak Grade 2 white water rivers

Get solid grade 2 white water skills


Build skills and confidence to paddle Grade 3 and are keen to develop in that environment.

Consolidate on Grade 3 White Water


Comfortable on grade 3 and looking to consolidate grade 4 water?

Move on to Grade 4


Rolling Clinic

Learning how to roll provides so much confidence as you progress and build experience on white water. This 2 day rolling clinic will help get you started.

Pool Based. Limited spaces left

BC Foundation Safety and Rescue

Essential training when starting out in paddlesports, looking at effective rescues including personal safety, bank based options and boat based options.

Find out More

BC White Water Safety and Rescue

For recreational paddlers and Leaders. It covers all the safety and rescue skills for paddling on white water up to grade 3.

Learn to deal with rescue scenarios

Skills videos

Watch our Youtube ‘How To’ Videos:

Ferry Gliding

Effective ferry gliding skills will help you manoeuvre your boat around the river. It will help you manage the power of the river, as well as make use of river features. This video runs through the key areas of an effective ferry glide as well as introduces ferry glide practice techniques, all aimed at helping you build confidence in this important skill.

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Active Blade Practice

Maintaining an active blade helps you keep control of your boat whilst kayaking. In this short video Instructor Giles Trussell talks through a useful drill to practice maintaining an active blade.

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Tighter Turns

A short instructional video looking at faster and tighter turns, to help you change direction. Visit our youtube channel for more white water kayaking videos.

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