
Book with Confidence

Customer Promise

Book with peace of mind. We know that life remains unpredictable. So our promise to you: if you book a course and need to cancel it due to Covid:19, either due to illness, the need to isolate, we will offer a full refund, or transfer you to another date.

Single Occupancy Rooms

You will automatically be allocated a single occupancy bedroom and will not be asked to share with a stranger.  If you would like to share with someone also attending, this option will be available to you at time of booking, but if you have any problems,  please notify our Bookings team [email protected].

What happens if I develop symptoms during my stay

If you develop symptoms during your stay, then you will:

  • Isolate in your room and follow the latest guidance on NHS Inform
  • Lateral Flow Tests are available at our Reception
What happens if you need to self-isolate

If you have to leave us during your course due to Covid:19, we will refund you for any unused days.


Will I need to wear a face covering?

You are no longer required to wear a facemask in Scotland.  You are very welcome to and many still do, but it is not compulsory. Click here for more details on the Scottish Government website.

Financial security

Any bookings made for our courses and events will be fully refundable should Covid-19 require you to leave or not attend your course.

Book your own adventure

Tailormade experiences for you, or for you and your friends/family.

You can hire one of our instructors for anything from an afternoon of navigation practice, a guided descent of the Spey river, or qualifications (subject to ratios).  Contact us at [email protected] to find out more.

Can I change/amend my booking

Yes, email [email protected] and we will respond.

Can I make a B&B or Chalet booking?

Yes, but we are only taking bookings currently within 2 weeks of your intended arrival date.  Please contact us on 01479 861256 or [email protected] to enquire.

If you want to stay before or after your booked course, please contact us to arrange.



Do you have a question that we haven't answered?

If you can’t find the answer to your questions here, please email [email protected] and the team will get back to you.  Many thanks.