
Managing Waste

Waste management

Paper, cardboard, cans and plastic are among many of the items we recycle.

Glass is separated into green, brown and clear.

Our cooking oil is collected by a SEPA registered company and recycled into bio diesel.

Our food waste is maserated and then processed through Big Hanna our food composter and used within the grounds.

Waste Processing

As with any business especially in the hospitality industry we produce a lot of waste. In the first instance we try not to make the waste at all, then to reuse and recycle as much of this as possible. We are always looking for new avenues to reuse or recycle waste.

Big Hanna

Since 2011 we have been composting our food waste in our in vessel composter Big Hanna. Hanna came to us through the compost doctors project and has remained with us, so far composting 2 Tonnes of food reducing it by 20%. She is relatively maintenance free and feeding her takes no more than 10-15 minutes a day. We use the compost on site, recently we have used it in our herb garden which is certainly flourishing. For more information on how journey to deciding to get a composter checkout this link.

The Mighty Mulcher

The mighty mulcher was fitted in February 2014. This machine macerates and dewaters the food, placing the finely chopped food into a bucket ready to feed Hanna. We aim to continue to reduce the amount of food waste we have, you can help in this by asking for smaller portions if you feel you will be unable to eat a larger one.


Our water supply comes from the local stream. It passes through UV filters, before entering the building. Highland Council check the water quality annually. The water colour can sometimes be a little tinted but is still some of the best tasting water in the valley.

Our showers have been fitted with aerators to reduce the amount of water used.